Highlighted projects
Integrated care
In Spain, we have been collaborating for more than ten years with the Basque Country Health Service (Osakidetza) in the integrated care of EPOC diagnosis, having succeeded in becoming the largest European experience with this focus, which has been the object of many scientific publications.
Population: 2.2 million
Cruces Hospital (1 pneumologist) tests and monitors the entire population
More than 150 primary care centers perform spirometry tests, following up with the specified protocol, with support from Linkcare
20% more precise diagnoses
90% better access to care
25% Personalized treatment
100% Reduction in variability
x10 Optimized use of resources

Self-care and remote monitoring
Another area of expertise is the use of lifestyle intervention techniques which use learning theory to improve patient’s activity habits.

Our remote physical activity coaching system, supervised by a healthcare professional, has demonstrated in several clinical trials its capacity for improving patients’ physical activity and the improvement in quality of life resulting from this activity. The effectiveness of this system has been confirmed by numerous published clinical trials.

Thierry Troosters is the former president of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and an active Fellow of this group.
He is professor of Rehabilitation Sciences at KU Leuven, where he directs the Research Group for Rehabilitation in Internal Disorders.
His research is focused on pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity and non-respiratory complications from pulmonary disease. He has actively participated in international consortia on these topics.
Hereditary disease screening
Linkcare has participated in the consortium PRECeDI (Personalized pREvention of Chronic DIseases). For this project, Linkcare created a digital tool and a series of screening protocols to determine eligibility conditions, automatic scoring based on risk, the registry of family histories, cascaded screening of relatives and the prevention of possible hereditary diseases like Lynch syndrome, familial hypercholesterolemia, BRCA syndrome (breast cancer) and others in affected individuals.

The project was carried out in collaboration with Sacred Heart Catholic University (IT), VU University Medical Center Amsterdam (NL), Better Value Healthcare Ltd. (Reino Unido), Erasmus University Medical Center (BE), Sapienza Universidad di Roma (IT), Debreceni Egyetem (HU), Myriad Genetics, Srl. (IT), the European Association for Public Health – EUPHA (UE) and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (US).
Sponsor: European Commission, Marie Skodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE). MSCA-RISE-2014