Advisory Board
Dr. Ramón Cisterna Cáncer

Dr. Ramón Cisterna was the coordinator of the Flu Study Group and Head of the Clinical Microbiology and Infectional Control Service at the Basurto Hospital in Bilbao for many years. He was also Professor of Microbiology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He was the third president of the Spanish Society for Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology and dean of the School of Medicine. Between 1979 and 2017 he directed the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at UPV/EHU. Currently, he is the president of AMYS (Microbiology and Health Association/Asociación de Microbiología y Salud).
Prof. Cisterna was the director of both editions of the “Infectious Disease Training Plan” (Plan de Formación en Enfermedades Infecciosas, 5 volumes published by Glaxo, 1991) and co-author of Vaccination in Adults and Seniors, Practical guide and action protocol (Vacunación en Adultos y Mayores: Guía práctica y protocolos de actuación, Ed. Panamericana, 2011).
In 2018 the Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology of the UPV/EHU published “Desafíos de Microbiología” (Microbiology Challenges) out of recognition of Professor Cisterna’s work. The Bilbao Academy of Medical Sciences awarded him the Dr. José Carrasco-D. Máximo Aguirre Prize for his professional and academic career in the fields of medicine and public education.
Dr. Jordi Sarroca

Dr. Sarroca got his degree in Medicine from the University of Barcelona. His professional career has focused on clinical research in the pharmaceutical industry.
After completing his specialization in Clinical Documentation at the Puigvert Foundation (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona) following a program of the University of Heidelberg, he founded the Clinical Research Organization, Medisys, and continued his development in this area as the Country Manager for the American CRO PPD.
Dr. Sarroca has been part of the Pfizer Group for Research and Development team, Manager of the Clinical Development of Air Products, Medical Director of Esteve Teijin Healthcare and of Alexion Pharmaceuticals.
He is currently an Associate Professor at the University Pompeu Fabra and Senior Medical Advisor of the pharmaceutical company Almirall.
Dr. Jordi Leal

After receiving his degree in medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Dr. Leal has focused his professional career in the Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders fields and on Rare Diseases and Orphan medicines of the pharmaceutical industry.
In the fields of Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders, he has served as General Director for Spain and International Director of Marketing in SHS and Medical Directoer of Numico (currently part of the Danone Group).
In the field of rare diseases, he was general director for Southern Europe and Latin America of Orphan Europe and Lucane Pharma.
Leal is currently the director of yet another pharmaceutical company, Biodendrum.
Dr. Josep Longán

After finishing his Medical studies at Hospital Clinic in Barcelona he began his professional career in large pharmaceutical companies in Marketing and Sales. Additionally, he completed courses in Marketing and Management at ESADE and the PDD, Relational Marketing, Sales Management and Finance at IESE.
He has held management positions in various divisions at Antibioticos Farma and Merck and later served as Vice President-General Manager of Mylan and member of the European Board.
As vice president and member of the Management Board of AESEG he has collaborated closely with health professionals and medical and pharmaceutical associations in the modernization of Medication Legislation.
Currently, he manages TAVIC Consulting, and is focused on pharmaceuticals and health.